
since 2021: Social Media and Community Management Officer at Germanwatch

2021: Social Media and Content Manager at DIALOG PR

since 2020: employee of the Member of Parliament Maurice Müller, MdBB

since 2020: Honorary position in the Aktionsbündnis Wachstumswende (Action Alliance for Degrowth)

2020: Advanced training as certified Online Content Manager

2018 - 2019: Project assistant at the Heinrich Böll Foundation Bremen

since 2018: Execution of the Cito language test at Bremen primary schools (annually)

2017: Assistant in the project "EurViews. Europa im Schulbuch" of the Georg Eckert Institute, responsible for the collection and translation of Swedish textbook articles

2009 - 2019: Employee of the St.-Joseph-Stift hospital, Bremen

since 2008: Guard at the Bremen State Museum of Art and Cultural History (Focke Museum)

2013 - 2017: Study of linguistics in the program "Language Sciences, M. A." at the University of Bremen with degree

2010 - 2013: Study of linguistics in the programme "Linguistics/Language Sciences, B. A." and study of cultural sciences in the program "Cultural Studies, B. A." at the University of Bremen

2009: Bilingual high school diploma at Hermann-Böse-Gymnasium, Bremen

2018: Participation in the workshop Nommer les lieux en Afrique contemporaine: enjeux sociaux in Niamey, Niger

2012 - 2013: Semester abroad and study of linguistics at the Universidad de Alicante, Spain

2008: Language course at the Oxford House College London, England